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TaoBao Spree - Sept Batch

Deadline: 28 Sep 2008 7pm and payment to be in by 28 Sep 10pm

Dear all,

New batch is up!

You may ordered from any seller in Taobao, however try to order from those with at least 500 positive seller rating. This is to safe guard both you and me. :)

Kindly download the order form from *click now to download from yousendit*
Or you can email me for the order form.

There are 2 worksheets inside:
1. List of Sellers under the different category for reference.
2. Order form

Fill it up and submit your order to shopaholic.spreeorder@gmail.com

Deadline: 28 Sep 2008 7pm and payment to be in by 28 Sep 10pm

Feel free to ask if you have any questions~

If you have any sellers which you are interested in, drop me an email at shopaholic.enquiry@gmail.com !
